Eli's Bread

Eli's Bread

However You Slice It...

Eli’s Bread has been considered the best for over 30 years. In the 1980s, Eli Zabar conceived of a platonic ideal of the loaves he was looking for—one with lots of crust, a sour taste like a Jewish corn rye, and a tight texture. An odyssey began as Eli worked to understand what made a great loaf, and then worked even harder to learn to make them himself. Today, Eli’s Bread is still made using the same original recipes adored all over the world.


Fresh Round & Boule Delivery

The number for our office is 718-828-8080. When you call, we can go over all of the ordering details and go over the pricing, too. Wholesale pricing is available. We have a great selection of round and boule bread that is baked fresh from local New York bakeries. So please, give us a call to learn more about our selection of bread!